The week was very inconsistent, some slower days with less fish but a few solid specimens falling to their lures then other days with much more consistent action, but there was no set pattern during the week, we'd mainly put this down to experiencing the initial big change in water temperatures as we cement ourself in our typical 'Dry Season' as we see the cooler waters flush the shoreline and with it the shoals of sardines and not far behind the predatory fish we love to catch! However it is typical for most fisheries when there is a sudden drastic change in temperatures the fish can become not so forgiving as they spend their time adjusting too conditions.
They guys enjoyed catching some new species they have yet to encounter, they fished hard on a typically harder week and it prevailed. Unfortunately on the first day Anthony lost an enormous Roosterfish due to a hook failure, however not to be too disheartened he returned on day 2 to get revenge and landed a fantastic Cubera snapper on popper! Anthony certainly had the luck on his side with the bigger specimens as he ticked off a huge Rock Snapper, nice Almaco Jack, African Pompano, Pacific Red Snapper and on the final day after numerous nice sized Broomtail groupers he landed a solid specimen! Well done that man!
Franck ticked off some from his lists, namely a big tussle on day 1 with a big Black Tip shark on popper, nice sized Bluefin Trevally, an unexpected Stingray, Rock Snapper, Pacific Red Snapper, Roosterfish and Broomtail Groupers. The pair had many other fish and species during the week also, as we go into the next few days the water temperature and weather should stabilise and hopefully influence better fishing also!
During the week Pierre, Kieren and visiting guest Geordie took a boat out for just the day to experience some fishing, the day was by no means easy but some action was found and Kieren landed some good fish to note, a new PB Pacific Red Snapper and huge Jack Crevalle in the same day, its never a bad day when you have a PB or two!