Petite sortie aujourd'hui avec notre capitaine Javier et un ami. Les coqs étaient de sortie... Sur 500 mètres de plage, ou qu'on lance, il y avait toujours 5 ou 6 coqs derrière le leurre. Pour ne pas trop les déranger, on est parti après en avoir relâché 9 (dont 3 doublés). Le record du lodge est de 48 sur une journée. Je pense qu'aujourd'hui on aurait pu s'y attaquer, mais bon, il faut savoir être raisonnable...
We went fishing today and the roosterfish were crazy. You could cast anywhere along 500 yards of beach and there would be 5 or 6 roosters competing for the lure on each retrieve. We left after releasing 9 (including 3 double hookups). The lodge record is 48 in one day. I am pretty sure that today we could have challenged it, but one have to be reasonnable...
Petite sortie aujourd'hui avec notre capitaine Javier et un ami. Les coqs étaient de sortie... Sur 500 mètres de plage, ou qu'on lance, il y avait toujours 5 ou 6 coqs derrière le leurre. Pour ne pas trop les déranger, on est parti après en avoir relâché 9 (dont 3 doublés). Le record du lodge est de 48 sur une journée. Je pense qu'aujourd'hui on aurait pu s'y attaquer, mais bon, il faut savoir être raisonnable...
Well, Mr. Gallo does, and I too... Actually, I might have a new favorite lure.
Small session yesterday and today with the taxi boat to (re)try the FCL Labo lures we have just received. We fished the CSP 110 and everything go for it: roosterfish, cubera and jacks ! Got to love this lure... Here is a sample of what happened at the Panafishing Adventure lodge this January. It has been a very windy month, the first of summer after a very dry wet season. The weather is a bit crazy this year. This month has seen the fishing turning into full summer mode in Pedasi, Panama, with some huge schools of Jacks and school Roosterfish coming close to shore to feast on the abundant small sardines. The groupers and amberjacks are also settling closer on the nearshore structures. Below is some more catch from Martine and Jean-Pierre, who come each year to Pedasi to fish with poppers and speed jigs. Voila quelques photos du mois de Janvier au Panafishing lodge. L'été s'est définitivement installé a Pedasi, avec ses gros bancs de carangues et de petits poissons coqs qui chassent les petites sardines a la cote. Les mérous et les sérioles se sont également rapprochées du rivage et occupent les roches les plus proches. Ci-dessous quelques photos supplémentaires de Martine et Jean-Pierre, qui viennent pêcher a Pedasi tous les ans. Next is Morten and Lucas, who came for a quick 3 days trip and did pretty well despite not being used to popper fishing and speed-jigging. These guys will have to come back for the roosters that got away. A quick note is due here to explain that the cubera shown in the picture died during the fight. We always do our best to release those fish but sometimes it is impossible. We also had the pleasure to host the very sympathetic Jacques and Julien, who did hit some slow fishing. hopefully for the guys, their last day has seen non-stop action so they left with a big smile. Jorgen and Tommy are some of our best customers and they did well despite the strong wind. We'll see you again in November with great pleasure, guys ! Finally is Patrick and Bernard. The two French came for just 2 days and were hoping to catch some rooster fish. Mission accomplished on the second day with a dozen schoolie roosterfish released. Bravo !
Patrick et Bernard sont venus nous rendre visite pour 2 jours de pêche, dans l'espoir de prendre un poisson coq. La mission a été accomplie le second jour avec une douzaine de poissons coqs relâchés. Bien joué ! Our small shop just got better ! We have received a bunch of Japanese secret weapon that have proven to work wonder in our waters. FCL Labo and Smith lures now complete the range being sold at the lodge and that already included goodies fom Halco, Pelagic Warrior, Jigging Master, Strike Pro and more. Notre petite boutique s'améliore ! Nous avons reçu un stock d'excellents leurres Made in Japan qui ont fait leur preuves sur nos spots. Les marques FCL labos et Smith viennent completer la gamme présente qui incluait déjà des friandises conçues par des marques comme Halco, Jigging Master, Pelagic Warrior et Strike Pro entre autres. Les jigs SL.Z de chez FCL Labo sont a ce jour les plus efficaces que j'ai pu tester au Panama. Ils fonctionnent a toutes les vitesses et prennent de tout. Attention a surveiller la tresse a la descente, il est fréquent que ce jig ne touche jamais le fond. N'oubliez pas de les laisser prendre un peu le soleil avant de les envoyer au fond afin de profiter a plein de leur propriétés phosphorescentes. Le Top ! SL.Z jigs from FCL Labo are the most efficient jigs I have tried in Panama. They work at all speeds and catch all species. Be sure to watch the braid on the fall, as it is frequent that a fish grabs it on the way down. And don't forget to let them sit in the sun a little before use to benefit of their excellent glowing properties. A must ! Here are some more goodies that we received directly from the country that sets the new trends in fishing: Japan Egalement disponible certains leurres de la gamme Smith, dont les Magnum Surger. Avec leur 52 gr. pour seulement 12 cm., ces leurres mi-stickbait mi-casting jig sont les champions du lancer longue distance. Excellent donc pour atteindre les chasses et quand les poissons festoient de petites sardines. Les stickbaits coulants Tobiika devraient quant a eux faire un malheur sur les carpes rouges.
Also available are some lures from top Japanese brand Smith, including the Magnum Surger. With a weight of almost 2 ounces for only 4.7 inches, this hybrid between a stickbait and a casting jig casts a mile and will be very useful to reach those feeding frenzy, when fish are often feasting on very small bait. The Tobiika sinking stickbait should prove deadly on the cubera snappers. |
reports have been posted on face book and instagram,
We post a detailed report for EVERY group we host, so you can see on this page what is being caught throughout the year, during good and not-so-good weeks, Archives
January 2023