The start of the week saw a great Cubera Bite, lots of fish were risen, a fair few hooked some got lucky and either freed the hooks or got the better of the anglers, but some were landed and some great size ones at that! The star of the show was Rick from the U.S with a monstrous Cubera on stickbait, a fish that tested every bit of him and needed some help to ensure he didn't go overboard with it haha!
Golan and Yona got amongst a good Rooster frenzy on their first day landing many to tick off their bucket lists, they also found a crazy big Jack bite! They also had many chances at Cubera but luck wasn't on their side, when a big one they manage to coax boat side spat the hooks within feet of the boat, unlucky!
A couple of the boats one day found themselves in some great Yellowfin Tuna action which saw around 30 fish in total brought to the boat along with more sporadic Tuna and Mahi Mahi throughout the days which in turn is a sign that the seasons are changing, we had our first rains in months this week!
Don from the UK landed a big Rooster on SPJ tackle which makes for a great catch, on the same day Andy also had a big Rooster on popper which unfortunately spat the hooks mid-fight!
In general this week there was numerous big fish opportunities, the overall action seemed very sporadic and hard at times, the water temperatures and clarities have seemed very inconsistent and the changing air pressures creating some relentless and unpredictable currents which can really limit the fishing!