Among the losses were 2 goliath groupers on jigs, one tarpon on popper, one sailfish, also on popper, one really big inshore dorado, and as always, numerous big roosterfish and cuberas and a few unstoppable amberjacks. Well, this is no easy game and it's the one you lose that makes you come back !
Towards the end of the month we had hurricane Otto messing around just north of Panama. This was very unlucky for our guests which had 6 full days of rather strong wind. This is very unusual, to my knowledge it is the first time that a hurricane affect our area like it did. It seriously limited the options, with about only 20% of the spots that were fishable, but it made us realize how unvaluable it is to have 2 coasts facing opposite directions to chose from. The south was pretty much unfishable but the coast facing north was manageable. Not ideal for sure but certainly a lot better than staying around the pool all day long.
Next report will be in february !