Certains jours, attraper les thons au popper peut s’avérer très difficile. D'autres, les thons se jettent sur les poppers et délaissent les sardines. Si vous venez pêcher le thon avec Panafishing, il est préférable de garder l'esprit ouvert car savoir adapter sa technique est souvent la clef du succès.
Pour ceux qui veulent de la variété et qui souhaitent prendre du thon, nous recommandons chaudement de venir tester nos semaines "spéciales thons" entre Juillet et Octobre. Pendant ces semaines, nous irons pêcher le thon tous les matins et les après-midi seront consacrées au popper et au jig. C'est également une bonne option pour ceux qui ne souhaitent pas forcément animer jig et popper toute la journée. Il faut savoir que l'on fait un peu plus de bateau quand on part chercher les thons, notamment si l'on part sur "le spot à gros thons" à 40 milles au large. Les trouver tous les jours n'est jamais garanti, mais le jeu en vaut la chandelle. Ici, nous sommes les seuls bateaux de pêche sportive à rechercher les thons. Ceux qui connaissent les autres régions du Panama apprécieront certainement l'absence de foule !
Pendant notre séjour test de 4 jours, la pêche au jig a été excellente mais la pêche au popper fut assez difficile. Pour illustrer ce fait, 2 des 3 poissons coqs auront été faits au jig. Thomas a quand même eu un très beau spécimen sur un petit popper. Si la pêche au popper a été difficile, cela n'est pas fonction de la saison. Cela aurait pu arriver en pleine saison sèche comme il est possible de faire un carton au popper en plein mois d'aout. Au final, nous aurons quand même fait de beaux poissons comme le montrent les photos.
Contactez-nous si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur notre programme "spécial thon". Nous sommes excités de pouvoir offrir cette alternative à nos hôtes. Les thons jaunes du Panama vous attendent !
Late September: we went fishing for 4 days with Thomas, the boss of Getaway Tours. The idea was to test the "Tuna week" formula. So we went looking for tuna every morning and did the usual popper and jig fishing in the afternoon. The weather was not very stable so we only went to the "small tunas" spot, which is 10 milles out (and that can hold some real big tunas, nevermind the nickname). We got tunas up to 30+ kilos this time, which was a bit of a disapointment but well, it's fishing. We did find the tunas 3 out of 4 days. When we found them, they were running pretty fast, unlike in August, and so fishing for them with poppers seemed pretty difficult. Dead sardine on a circle hook worked wonder, though. The technique is the most effective and actually very fun, especially when the line starts to run and you know you will be in trouble as soon as you close the bail. The tuna will eat the sardine almost instantly or never, so there is no long waiting times like when fishing with dead bait or live bait.
At times, catching tunas on popper is difficult, and at times, tuna will go crazy for poppers and won't eat the sardines. If you come tuna fishing with Panafishing Adventures, it is good to come with an open mind because adaptation is the key to success.
sFor those interested in variety and tuna fishing, we highly recommend to try coming between July and October for one of our Tuna Special weeks. During these weeks, we'll go tuna fishing every morning, and then go jigging and popping for the rest of the day. It is also a good option for those who do not necessarily want to jig or pop all day long. You should expect longer boat rides during these weeks, especially if we run the 40 milles to the "big tuna spot", and bear in mind that finding them everyday is never guaranteed. Here, we are the only sportfishing boats fishing for tuna. Those who have been tuna fishing the Chiriqui will certainly appreciate the absence of crowds !
During our 4 day trial, the jigging was excellent but popper fishing was slow. To illustrate that fact, 2 out of 3 roosterfish were caught on jigs. Thomas got a real nice one on a small popper, though. The slow popping is not necessarily a matter of season. It could have happen in the middle of the dry season. It was just bad luck. The consistent jigging seems to be a staple from July to october, though. Overall, we got some nice fish as shown in the pictures.
Please get in touch with us if you want to know more about our "tuna special" weeks. We are pretty excited to offer this possibility to our guests. Panama Yellowfin tunas await you !