We hosted 2 groups over the second half of May. First group, from Brazil, had good action and lots of fish and variety. Unfortunately, neither the roosters or the big ones were very playful. A few trophies got away so next year will be revenge time for the guys. The guys kindly invited me on the boat for a day and I got quite lucky with 2 beautiful roosterfish, both caught slow-jigging, and a nice variety of fish including a decent amberjack. We are now getting into the best season for slow-jigging, as the fish stack deeper and start to stick around specific spots where they usually remain for the whole wet season. My 3 last slow-jigging sessions all delivered, with my PB rooster on slow-jig above, and good numbers of mullet snappers which give a really good fight on the slow-jigging outfit. I also got my first Indo-Pacific permit on a 180gr. FCL Labo MSL jig. Slow-jigs really catch anything swimming out there and there are always some surprises coming up. Second group was also from Brazil and fished with Captain Chino. They had a good week with plenty of action and quite a few days with 60 fish or more to the boat. They also lost quite a few big, unstoppable ones. Specie of the week was the broomtail grouper. I was starting to wonder what happened to them as we had very few so far this season. Well, they made a big comeback this week with the guys boating 23 in just 3 days. Those are pretty impressive numbers for the species and the versatility of the Tuna Coast never cease to amaze me !
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January 2023